
Let`s study Japanese with game "Rika-chan Picture For Coloring"  

パレットから好きな色えらんでぬってみよう! ぬり終わったら印刷できるよ!
Choose your favorite color from palette and let`s paint !When you finished painting , you can print it !

ぬってみよう ( 塗る - ぬる - to paint ) - let`s paint

Paint with color paints pictures of Rika-chan`s friends . Color paint can fix any numbers of time .

お友だち - friends
えのぐ ( 絵の具 ) -  paints ( краски )
何度でも ( なんどでも ) - any number of times
なおせる - can fix

難易度 ( なんいど ) - level of difficulty 


Click on palette and use color on picture for coloring .

おてほん - example ; role model

やりなおし - redoing

完成プリントする - print out the result
完成 ( かんせい ) - result

Play others pictures for coloring

ほか - other



Well done !
Do you want print out ?

上手 ( じょうず ) - skillful
できた( from 出来る - できる - to be able to do ; to be made )- done
わね - emphasis (sentence end)

Read also
Rika-chan Picture For Coloring : How to Play

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